
ALPHA NEXT DOOR Is Now in Paperback

A trade paperback edition of Alpha Next Door is now available. I’ve very pleased with the book. It’s so pretty! You can get the paperback at Amazon right away, but it’ll also be available in other online book stores soon. Finally, you can also ask your local bookstore to order the book and they should be able […]


My First Release: ALPHA NEXT DOOR

I’m so thrilled to be able to say this book is finally here. ALPHA NEXT DOOR Release date: July 2, 2015 Available at Amazon Ellie’s just found out she’s supposed to marry Bastien Reave, one of Bar Reave’s twelve hot—and creepy as hell—grandsons. It’s a ridiculous marriage contract, one she’s sure can’t be enforced, but […]


I have a title and a cover

So I now have the cover for my book, and of course, that means I have my title. I’m facing the irrational fear now that someone else will use the same title and it’ll be a big hit and I’ll feel completely weird about releasing my book. Irrational, I know, but I’m sure it happens. […]