
WOLF IN THE HOUSE is done (and coming soon)!

I’m aiming for a May release for Wolf in the House. I meant to post this announcement when I’d finished the book, but I’ve been working hard trying to get another book ready for my other self, and it slipped my mind until this morning. Sorry about that!

I’m waiting on cover redesigns for the series, and some other stuff, but I expect the book will come out a bit later in the month. I have a kid graduating high school this month, so it’s been a bit crazy for a while. :D

Anyway, I’m really happy I finally finished the book. The book took a lot longer than I’d planned, and it’s quite a bit longer than I’d planned, too, but I think it’s a fun story and I’m hoping a few people will enjoy it as much as I do.

I’ve already started working on Bet on Marriage and Werewolf at the Gate! (Because I can never write just one book at one time.) :D I honestly can’t say at this point which one comes first, because they’re kind of concurrent in the timeline but we’ll see what develops.